
सब के बारे में कनाडा की संस्कृति, लोग और भाषा से भोजन करने के लिए, पीना, किताबें, संगीत, और फिल्म

दैनिक जीवन

स्वास्थ्य देखभाल और शिक्षा से, स्थानीय भोजन और खरीदारी करने के लिए, त्योहारों और बातें करते हैं, कनाडा में जीवन पर स्कूप मिलता है

आवास, नौकरियां, & पैसा

एक घर खोजना, काम, बचत, और कनाडा में निवेश - यहाँ है कैसे


क्या आप में रहते पता करने की जरूरत है, में काम, या कनाडा के लिए आप्रवासन. नागरिकता जानकारी, भी.


यात्रा विचारों और आने के लिए सुझाव, पर्यटन, और तय जहां कनाडा में रहते हैं.

घर » आप्रवासन

अधिक अमेरिकी लुभा उनकी नागरिकता दे

द्वारा प्रस्तुत अप्रैल को 28, 2010 – 7:15 पर7 टिप्पणियाँ

Photo by Ryan McFarland (flickr)से न्यूयॉर्क टाइम्स:

Amid mounting frustration over taxation and banking problems, छोटी लेकिन growing numbers of overseas Americans are taking the weighty step of renouncing their citizenship.

क्यों? “…Frustrations over tax and banking questions, not political considerations, appear to be the main drivers of the surge.

American expats have long complained that the United States is the only industrialized country to tax citizens on income earned abroad, even when they are taxed in their country of residence, हालांकि वे अपने पहले बाहर करने के लिए अनुमति दी जाती है $91,400 in foreign-earned income….

In addition,

Stringent new banking regulations — aimed both at curbing tax evasion and, पैट्रियट अधिनियम के तहत, preventing money from flowing to terrorist groups — have inadvertently made it harder for some expats to keep bank accounts in the United States and in some cases abroad.

कुछ अमेरिका स्थित बैंकों को लुभा खातों को बंद कर दिया है because of difficulty in certifying that the holders still maintain U.S. पते, as required by a Patriot Act provision….

टाइम पत्रिका wrote a similar article: क्यों ज्यादा अमेरिका. प्रवासियों उनके पासपोर्ट में घूम रहे हैं

The समय piece quoted an American expatwho renounced his U.S. citizenship after becoming an Australian citizenabout how difficult it was to make this decision: “My family and friends think I am a traitor. But the financial burden was killing me.

Americans in Canadawhat about you? Have you considered giving up your U.S. नागरिकता? Have you actually done it? Why or why not?

रयान मैकफ़ारलैंड द्वारा फोटो (फ़्लिकर)

7 टिप्पणियाँ »

  • ExpatinCA कहते हैं:

    I’ll be giving up my citizenship, no question. I’m just waiting for my Canadian citizenship to come through.

    I originally moved to Canada as a political protest. Bush had been president for two years and, if that alone wasn’t bad enough, the ramifications of the Patriot Act were simply sickening. I just wanted to get away from a country that would turn on its own citizens like that.

    I found Canada to be welcoming and such a pleasure to live in. समय के साथ, अनुपस्थिति बनाता है दिल fonder हो जाना, and I forgot all my hurt and feelings of betrayal from the US. My US passport didn’t seem to be hurting any, so I thought that maybe I would just keep it in a drawer once I got my Canadian citizenship. I thought we’d amicably separated and that was good enough.

    Then I found out that I was supposed to be filing US taxes all this time, not to mention FBAR requirements! I was betrayed all over again, केवल इतना बदतर. Not only is the IRS coming after me, it’s coming after my Canadian husband (हम संयुक्त खाते है) मेरी कनाडा के बेटे (my name is on his RESP).

    किसी भी बकाया करों के लिए मेरे बाद आ रहा है (which is a big fat zero because I’m in the lower middle class), or even fair penalties for failure to file would be one thing. But I can’t tolerate this disgusting attempt to financially ruin my family and to literally steal education from a baby! This is disgusting. This is a glaring case of heartless American exceptionalism.

    So my ex-lover has now turned into a stalker, and a potentially dangerous one at that. I feel that I have no choice but to file for divorce and, possibly, whatever the nationality equivalent to a restraining order is. I’ll be giving the US consulate a call the very day my Canadian citizenship goes through. Count on it.

  • टॉम कहते हैं:

    मैं के बाद से कनाडा में रह चुके हैं 1971 and have been a Canadian citizen since 1989. I just found out about this wretched business, but have been advised toconform”.

    I don’t know what to do, लेकिन के आईआरएस बात करते हैं और अच्छे के लिए आशा का फैसला किया है. I’ve never made anywhere near $90K and only bank in Canada so I suppose I’m too small a fish to get noticed, हालांकि, बनाने के मिलना समाप्त होता है, I applied for US social security a few years ago.

    Any suggestions?

  • JadD कहते हैं:

    My husband and I are thinking of making the move in the next couple of years. We want to make a clean break, खामियों को दूर, research what city we’ll end up in, आदि. The main reason we want to leave is because when my husband came to the U.S. from Mexico in the mid 80s he saw this country as a wide open promising future. Slowly over the years we’ve witnessed a firmer, more tightening grip on Americans. The taxes go up and up and you get taxed on money that’s already been taxed. You run a business and you can’t really even call it yours because instead of doing her job properly the health inspector threatens you just because she’s having a PMS day, or a bad hair day or her significant other made her mad. No matter how hard you try to make her happy and follow the rules she gets a big head and makes sure you know she has you at her mercy. You have to go to law school just to make sure that you are following the gazillion laws the government passes without ever once asking it’s citizen’s if they approve or not. अमेरिका. has been in constant war for as far back as I can remember and instead of using that tax money for health care they tax you more and go blow something up across the ocean. The government no longer cares about us. They take our hard earned money and we don’t have a say in anything that they decide. As soon as I possibly can make the move I will. And I will spend some time to see what Canada is truly like. Most likely my husband and I will denounce our U.S. नागरिकता. The founding fathers would be ashamed and disappointed at what America has become.

  • शीला McDaid कहते हैं:

    एलिसिया, thank you so much for your comments. I too am sickened by what America has become. I was brought up by Irish immigrants who revered FDR and were so grateful for all that he did for the people and the common good of this country. That’s almost entirely gone, and I believe what we have now is fascism (or corporatism as Mussolini originally called it). To me the atmosphere of the country is poisoned with hate, bigotry, लालच, और डर. It’s a mean country, and I just don’t sense any feeling of real community here. मेरा बेटा और उसकी पत्नी, a Ph.D sociologist, lived in Seattle for several years and routinely visited Vancouver. They often talked about how they loved the Canadian people. I am 60 years old and really don’t want to spend the rest of my life in this ignorant, mean-spirited atmosphere. I just retired and am seriously thinking of moving to Canada, but don’t even know where to begin. I’m thinking of Ottawa, टोरंटो, नोवा स्कोटिया, या मॉन्ट्रियल. मेरा अगला कदम क्या होना चाहिए? तुमने यह कैसे किया? आप किसी भी सलाह दे सकते हैं सबसे की सराहना की जाएगी.

    ईमानदारी से,

    शीला McDaid

    • सैंड्रा कहते हैं:

      नमस्ते, This may be a good time to look at Nova Scotia. Check out the website Nova Scotia Come to Life. आज, they have a very good informational story about how to start a new life there. You can certainly travel to Nova Scotia and check it out. I’m not sure if you live on the East or West coast but as for myself, I’m from the Northwest and have considered lately about taking a job in Canada, probably Nova Scotia. It’s hard because like you Im in my 60s, दो डिग्री के लिए बहुत मेहनत की है, काम, raised and daughter and cared for my granddaughter. I’m still struggling along in California (economy is worse than ever here), wondering why I haven’t joined the others who have been forced out or voluntarily moved out of the state. असल में, I do not feel valued or appreciated in my job (corporate world). Everyone is looking over their shoulders at work and I cansay that I blame them. If you’d like me to provide a few websites about Canada, कृपया मुझे पता है. I’ve been researching a move to Canada for several months now. तरह सादर, सैंडी

    • विल कहते हैं:


      A really beautiful area is Niagara on the Lake, which is a nice little town close to Niagara Falls. There are even wineries close by and a really relaxing atmosphere. I would highly recommend it than Toronto.

      मैं भी कुछ अमेरिकी लुभा वहाँ से मुलाकात की और वे बहुत खुश लग रहा था. यहां तक ​​कि घरों वास्तव में वहाँ बहुत अच्छा. Its really peaceful and by a gorgeous lake.

      Here is a realty site with some properties there.



  • AliciaP. कहते हैं:

    I will be giving up my U.S. citizenship but, it has nothing to do with taxes. My husband is Canadian and for many years though I am landed in Canada I intended to retire back in the U.S. मेरे परिवार के पास.

    That idea all changed for me during 2008 when I worked for the democrats and saw massive voter fraud being perpetrated by my own party against other members of the party with nary a peep from either the party or the media. मीडिया के रूप में हम टेप पर पकड़ा था इस धोखाधड़ी का ज्यादा पता था, लेकिन, वे उस पर रिपोर्ट से इनकार कर दिया था. Two years later they have reported “कुछ” of what they knew.

    One of the main reasons I remained a U.S. citizen other than my desire to move back there to be near family had to do with voting rights and having a bigger voice in the government or so I once believed.

    The level of utter corruption even by my own party was enough for me to realize there is nothere there” अमेरिका में. anymore for me.

    Both parties in the U.S. are wings of the same corrupt corporations though they both spew rhetoric which ramps up the people for votes and dollars.

    I’m out of there. The country I once thought of asdemocraticand the party I once thought as forfair reflection” और “voter rightsare both gone for me now.

    मैं खुशी से मेरी अमेरिका देंगे. citizenship now as soon as my Canadian citizenship papers are complete and that’s not long coming for me. it is sad to me to see what has become of the party of FDR and the country but, I am honest enough with myself to realize this is not going to change in my life time. Canada is a much more humane country anyway.

    Perhaps I will have a voice there however small and perhaps when I vote it will make some small difference. Something that is nothing more than a manipulated game in the United States now.

    Maybe some are renouncing on tax issues alone but, some of us are renouncing out of a sense that we no longer matter at all in our own country whatsoever. Corps run our government in the U.S. NOT the people and they put in the W.H. जिसे गेंद खेलेंगे. Voting is gamed and has been for a long time. I just never realized the extent to which this was going on and I thought it was only the right wing going to such lengths. I know what I saw, I know what wasn’t done about it. I won’t stand with that.

    If I thought whistle blowing would make any difference I would stay and fight but, we tried that and a blind eye was turned. Once you lose voting rights it’s over anyway.

    It was a rude awakening but, I’m over it and moving on to a place where I can make a difference when I vote. कि जगह कनाडा है. I am grateful to Canada for having me and promise to volunteer and work hard to do my part and contribute positively.

    The 2008 primary was a dirty, धांधली गड़बड़, the party knew and did nothing all while claiming they are the party ofrightsWith no other alternative except the republicans who are just as bad there’s no reason to stay as nothing good can come out of corporation pandering for the people of the U.S.

    I loved my country but, it has ceased to love its people therefore there is NO reason to stay spending blood, sweat and tears for a country that does not count your voice at all. Without voting rights you are voiceless.

    I am not the only person who has done this for these reasons. I know of a woman in Italy, U.K में. personally. शायद हम में से अधिक कर रहे हैं. If you renounce fortax purposesor whatever reason more power to you however some of us are being lumped in with thetax purposesfolks who have many other legitimate reasons to renounce.