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Dove Live in Quebec City

Quebec buidlings, Old City, Quebec City, Canada
Una panoramica su Québec Quartieri città

Quebec City è situato lungo la St. Lawrence River, circa 250 km (155 miglia) northeast of Montreal. The city is segmented into six districts, o arrondissements.

The central area, La Cité-Limoilou, non è solo il centro turistico, it’s also where you’ll find most government buildings.

The heart of La Cité-Limoilou is the walled Old City, che si divide in Città Alta (Upper Town), in alto sulla collina, e la Città Bassa (Città Bassa), fronteggia il fiume. Fuori dalle mura, ad ovest, St. Jean-Baptiste neighborhood is an established urban community, e ad est, within walking distance of the Lower Town, is the newly gentrified St. Roch quartiere.

The remaining city districts, compresi Sainte-Foy-Sillery-Cap-Rouge, Fiumi, La Haute-Saint-Charles, Charlesbourg, e Beauport, cluster around La Cité-Limoilou like a horseshoe.

Across the river but connected to Quebec City by traghetto is the separate municipality of Levis.

To the northeast of the city is Île d'Orléans, a bucolic island that is not only a popular weekend getaway but a residential alternative for those seeking a more rural life.

- Tratto (in parte) dal libro, Vivere all'estero in Canada. Per saperne di più, acquistare il libro.

Québec City Photo © Carolyn B. Heller