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谈到加拿大: Tips from Canada’s adventure couple

提交 七月 3, 2009 – 8:23 关于一个评论

TimHortonsAvid travelers 戴夫Bouskill和黛布拉科尔贝 bill themselves as Canada’s adventure couple. They recently took time out from their adventures to blog about 独特的加拿大的单词和短语.

你有没有听说过的 双人大床? Here’s their explanation:

“I am going to Timmies to grab a box of timbits and a large Double Double.”

That is what you say when leave the house to order an assortment of tasty doughnut centres and an oversized cup of coffee with 2 creams and 2 sugars at 蒂姆霍顿甜甜圈. 美味.

又有怎样的 2-4?

这是我们的短语,我们使用的时候,我们去买啤酒: “I am going to get a 2-4 of Canadian at the Beer Store.

是, 我们在加拿大的啤酒商店购买啤酒和一盒 24 beers is simply shortened to the words “two four.”

阅读他们的 列表 10 加拿大独特的文字和这里相. 为了更Canadiana, 拿起一份 加拿大牛津词典.

图片©卡罗琳乙. 海勒

一个评论 »

  • 奥斯汀 说::


    others say Robe

    耶稣·墨菲- 我们都这么说。. “look ma, the neighbors walking around in his underwear” “耶稣·墨菲!”

    mickey, bottle of liquor (13oz)


    Take Offinstead ofGet Lost”.

    chesterfield: a sofa or couch

    fire hall: fire station