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ホーム » 住宅, ジョブ, & マネー


Photo by tukanuk (flickr)不況? どのような不況?asked the headline in yesterday’s ウィニペグサン.

と楽観視しバナーの下に, 資料では、と主張 the province thatseems to be bucking the recessionさ — マニトバ州.

Here’s more about Manitoba’s‘steady-as-she-goesincremental growth:”

ザ province’s unemployment rate 月ににあった 4.8 パーセント — three percentage points below the national numbers and the second-lowest rate in the country, surpassed only by Saskatchewan.

小売売上高は12月にカナダ全土以上5パーセント減少したものの, they only dropped half a percentage point in Manitoba. And as shops close in other parts of the country, Manitoba is actually seeing new stores move in; from its first sprawling イケア store which will anchor a $400-million retail development to the opening of its first セフォラ 美容店.

The housing market has dipped slightly, しかし、 about one-third of ウィニペグの家 are still selling for at or above asking price.

Because of its “even keel” economy, カナダのコンファレンス·ボードは、最近、マニトバ州で発見 one of only four provinces expected to experience economic growth this year. The “momentum” generated in the past few years will carry it forward into 2010, the board said.

Now if only Manitoba could do something about the 天気

tukanukフォト (Flickrの)
