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Photo by AdrianDC (flickr)私たちの中で昨日 Tips for Job-Hunting in a New Country 投稿する, we mentioned the importance of networking. But what if you’re coming to Canada, or you’ve just moved here, and you don’t know many people yet?

ここでいくつか紹介します networking tip私の本からの, カナダでの留学生活:

Start by asking your colleagues and friends in the States. Do they know anyone living or working in Canada? Do their U.S.-based companies have Canadian affiliates? Do they have college classmates or business associates who grew up in Canada? Do you or your colleagues belong to a professional organization that has members in Canada?

のようなサイト LinkedInの, Facebookに登録, と Plaxoの can also be sources of connections. たまに, all it takes is one contact who can connect you with someone else, and your networking process is underway.

If you’ve arrived in Canada without a job, network in your new community. Talk to your neighbors, someone you’ve met in the local community center, a new acquaintance from the neighborhood coffee shop.

Look for local professional associations in your line of work or online groups that share your interests. たとえば、, Meetup.com has scores of work-related groups across Canada. There’s a Vancouver Graphic Design Meetup, a Toronto Marketing Meetup, a Montreal Entrepreneurs Group, and many more.

Doing volunteer work is another worthwhile form of networking. If you can afford to take on one or more volunteer assignments, it can help you make contacts in your new community. そして、あなたは、同時にいくつかの良いをやっているよ. ボランティアカナダ can direct you to local volunteer opportunities nationwide.

- 本からの抜粋, カナダでの留学生活, の一部 ムーン シリーズから Avalon Travel Publishing. 読むには詳細, 書籍を購入.

AdrianDCフォト (Flickrの)
