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Photo by Ryan McFarland (flickr)今週の土曜日, 3月 28, ザ 米国. 国務省 is hostingアメリカのパスポートの日,” when post offices and other passport offices around the U.S. will have special weekend hours for Americans who want to apply for a passport または passport card.

先週, 我々 posted a reminder to Americans who don’t have a passport 1を申請する時は今であることを, particularly if you’re planning to travel to Canada after June 1. Americans traveling to Canada by air already need a passport, but effective June 1st, passports will be required for 陸と海の旅 as well.

For more information about Passport Day, を参照してください State Department’s announcement.

To find the passport office nearest you, 検索する.

ライアンマクファーランドによる写真 (Flickrの)
