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Kanada mehr Geld für britische Auswanderer als USA oder Europa

Verfasst von Mai 20, 2009 – 8:50 amNo Comment

canadabritainflags“Können Sie sich Ihre Traum-Land?”

That’s the question the U.K.’s Telegraf newspaper posed to potential British expats considering relocating to the U.S., Kanada, oder Europa.

According to research by the company Ausländische Währung Direkte, “the cost of emigrating to the USA has increased by almost a fifth in the past six months alone.

The Telegraph article also noted that, “The average Spanish property now costs £31,576 more to a British buyer than it did in November last year, noch the cost of living in Canada has gone up by just 3 Prozent, making it one of the cheapest of the expat hot spots.

…Mit sterling strengthening against the Canadian dollar, British expats living there are enjoying more for their pound. The average cost of a property in Canada has risen by only £5,599 in six months, a long way from the £32,303 increase in the US.

Foto von Elsie esq. (Flickr)

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