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Sommes-nous au milieu d'un “he-cession?”

Soumis par en avril 10, 2009 – 1:20 hPas de commentaire

Photo by rocknroll_guitar (flickr)Bienvenue à la cession-il,” wrote the Globe and Mail récemment, citing employment statistics indicating thatat least for now — l' de plus en plus la récession au Canada est affectant plus d'hommes que de femmes.

Although the overall Canadian unemployment rate increased in March to 8% (the highest rate in seven years), the job sectors in Canada that have been hardest hit are construction, manufacturing and natural resourcesjobs with a higher percentage of male employees. More women are employed in services jobs, such as education and health care, that are less vulnerable to the business cycle.

Plus de 27,000 Hommes canadiens ont perdu des emplois dans Mars seul, tandis que le unemployment rate for women remained largely unchanged. And as the article concluded,

That’s meant a domestic rearrangement for many Canadian households, comme newly stuck-at-home husbands kiss their working wives goodbye chaque matin.

Une report issued a year ago by the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensionschaired by Senator Edward M. Kennedyconcluded that aux États-Unis, the situation was reversed. “Early signs,” according to this report, indicated thatthis recession is hitting women harder than men. They have suffered more job losses and a larger reduction in wages in recent months than the general population.

Plus récemment, si, l' New York Times reported a somewhat different recession effect:

Women are poised to surpass men on the nation’s payrolls, taking the majority for the first time in American history.

The reason has less to do with gender equality than with where the ax is falling.

The proportion of women who are working has changed very little since the recession started. But a full 82 percent of the job losses have befallen men, who are heavily represented in distressed industries like manufacturing and construction.

Peut-être maintenant, it’s ahe-cessionon both sides of the border.

Photo by rocknroll_guitar (Flickr)

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