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Home » Immigrazione

Numero record di nuovi arrivati ​​entrare in Canada 2008

Inserito da marzo 10, 2009 – 8:51 suNessun commento

Photo ©Alan AlbertIn the current economic climate, is it becoming more difficult to immigrate to Canada?

Not according to Cittadinanza e Immigrazione Canada.

In 2008, while the economy was still booming, the immigration agency reported thatCanada welcomed an unprecedented number of permanent and temporary residents.”

The agency’s recente comunicato stampa ha detto:

“While other countries are talking about taking fewer immigrants, oggi, I am pleased to announce that in 2008, we increased the number of new permanent residents to Canada,"Ha detto Cittadinanza, Immigrazione, e Ministro Kenney Multiculturalismo Jason.

Canada welcomed 247,202 permanent residents in 2008, 70,000 more than in 1998….An additional 193,061 temporary foreign workers and 79,459 foreign students resulted in a combined total of 519,722 newcomers for the year.

And what’s the forecast for 2009?

“Our government will not follow the advice of those who believe that Canada should take steps to reduce immigration levels. Di fatto, we are maintaining our planned immigration levels for 2009,” said Minister Kenney.

Così inviare in quelle permanent residence applications ora!

© foto Alan Albert

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