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Passaporti richiesto

Inserito da marzo 20, 2009 – 10:32 suNessun commento

Photo by alex-s (flickr)Questo post è per qualsiasi American citizens planning to visit Canada after June 1whether you’ll be coming on vacation or to scout out potential places to live.

If you don’t already have a passport, ora è il momento di domanda per uno, before new provisions of the U.S. Dell'emisfero occidentale viaggio Initiative entrare in vigore.

Americans traveling to Canada by air already need a passport, poiché il U.S. government requires air travelers returning to the U.S. to present a passport to re-enter the country.

Cosa cambierà nel mese di giugno è che these rules will apply for land and sea crossings anche.

So if you’re planning to drive over the Canadian border or hop on a cross-border ferry, you’ll need to have a passport, poiché il U.S. will require you to show that passport when you return.

As an alternative, il nuovo Stati Uniti. Passaporto Carta can be used for land and sea travel and is less expensive than a passport (US$45 for first-time adult applicants and $35 for all applicants under age 16). Ma l' passport card is not valid for air travel, which limits its utility.

È possibile leggi tutti i dettagli, including the rules for children, sul U.S. Department of Homeland Security website. L' Commissione Turismo Canadese has a somewhat clearer explanation on its website as well, come fa il Stati Uniti. Customs and Border Protection Agency.

Per maggiori informazioni sul requirements for entering Canada to visit, lavoro, o di studio, vedere la Lavoro d'ufficio 101 section of this website or contact Cittadinanza e Immigrazione Canada.

Photo by alex-s (flickr)

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