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Guida di università canadesi

Inserito da ottobre 26, 2009 – 7:00 suNessun commento

Western Alumni House img_2722L' Globe & Mail publishes an annual Guida alle Università canadesi, and they’ve just released the latest edition.

Da un saggio su why Canadian universities are a bargain a profiles of top professors a admissions facts and fictions, it makes interesting reading if you or someone you know is considering studying in Canada.

One of the most useful functions is the Campus Navigator, che vi permette di compare features of schools across the country.

Another helpful source of information for students looking at Canadian post-secondary education is the Education in Canada website, created by the Canadian Consiglio dei Ministri dell'Istruzione. In addition to a page on Perché studiare in Canada?, it includes an overview of Canada’s university system, informazioni sui costi e aiuti finanziari, and a search function that lets you identify schools and programs from coast to coast.

You might also want to check out our earlier post: Perché sono più americani che studiano in Canada? La risposta è scritta DENARO.

Photo ©Carolyn B. Heller

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