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의 경제 성장을 볼 캐나다 도시 2010

vancouver-skyline-img_5426취업 사냥꾼을위한 좋은 소식, 자영업, 과 캐나다에 투자:

The economies of all Canada’s major cities are expected to grow 에 2010, according to a new report from the 캐나다 컨퍼​​런스 ë³´ë“œ.

이 보고서는, Metropolitan Outlook – Spring 2010, found that the city getting the biggest economic boost is 밴쿠버, 덕분에 2010 동계 올림픽 대회.

Vancouver’s economy is forecast to lead all Canadian cities 올해, with growth of 4 퍼센트.

“The Olympics Games provided a big, even if temporary, 소매 무역에 향상, 예술, entertainment and recreation, accommodation, and food services in Vancouver. 대체로, 올림픽에 대해 주입 $600 million into the Vancouver economy," 마리오 Lefebvre, 시립 연구 컨퍼런스 보드의 센터 이사, 고 말했다 announcing the report.

의 경제 토론토 및 해밀턴 (온타리오) are expected to post the second and third fastest growth rates in 2010.

토론토, where the economy is expected to grow by 3.7 퍼센트, the manufacturing sector is forecast to record its first annual increase since 2005, while the construction sector will benefit from a rebound in housing starts, particularly single-family units.

해밀턴에서, most sectors of the economy are expected to grow, which will contribute to the forecast 3.3 percent growth rate. Hamilton’s manufacturing sector projected to expand for the first time since 2002.

The Conference Board report forecast the following economic growth rates for these 13 대도시 지역:

  • 밴쿠버, 기원전: 4.0%
  • 토론토, 켜짐: 3.7%
  • 해밀턴, 켜짐: 3.3%
  • 빅토리아, 기원전: 3.2%
  • 에드먼턴, 시종 2.9%
  • 채진 목 류의 나무, SK 2.8%
  • Ottawa–Gatineau, ON/QC: 2.8%
  • 캘거리, 시종: 2.8%
  • 핼리팩스, ns의: 2.5%
  • 퀘벡 시티, 품질 관리: 2.5%
  • 몬트리올, 품질 관리: 2.3%
  • 위니펙. 메가바이트: 2.2%
  • 레지나, SK: 2.0%

넌 할 수 read a summary of the Conference Board report here 또는 download the full report here.

밴쿠버 스카이 라인 사진 © 캐롤린 B. 난폭자

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