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感謝祭: What’s different in Canada?

投稿者: 11月 25, 2010 – 1:35 午後6 コメント

アメリカの感謝祭の日を記念して, カナダの生活 雑誌は、クイズを掲載している: どうすれば、カナダの感謝祭のお祭りは、アメリカの感謝祭とは異なる?

I’ve found that the meals themselves are fairly similar七面鳥, 詰め物, グレービー, サツマイモ, クランベリーソース, 国境の両側にパイの猶予休日テーブルの豊富な配列 — しかし、 カナダの生活 記事 いくつかの小さな違いを指摘する.

私には, 最大の違いは、両国の休日の相対的な重要性である: 感謝祭は境界線のはるかに大きな取引南. 人々は確かにここカナダで感謝祭のための家族の夕食を持っている, but there isn’t the mass travel frenzy you find in the States.

And I’m still adjusting to having our 10月にトルコの饗宴!

あなたはどう, 仲間のアメリカのexpats? あなたはアメリカの感謝祭を欠場か? コメントを残す let us know how you’re celebrating the US turkey day.

そして最後の感謝祭からのわれわれの記事をチェックアウトする: アメリカの感謝祭: Do you miss it?


パンプキンパイ写真で calgaryreviews (Flickrの)

6 コメント »

  • と 言う:

    One major difference I’ve noted is that Americans tend to have their Thanksgiving meal on the Thursday evening, whereas Canadians have their meal anytime from Friday to Monday. 私も見つける, in contras to what the magazine you cite suggests, that Canadian meals are nowhere near as monolithic as their American counterparts. Canadians tend to include local and ethnic specialities. My wife’s family always includes that delicious Prairie treat: the cabbage roll. I much prefer the Canadian celebration to the American one. While I miss seeing my family, I don’t miss the overshadowing of Thanksgiving by Christmas. Celebrating in October helps keep the holiday true to its roots as a harvest festival.

    • して、Carolyn Bの. ヘラー 言う:

      Thanks for the comments, と. That’s true that there doesn’t seem to be a set day or time for the Thanksgiving meal in Canadajust some time during the Thanksgiving Day weekend. And I’ve never had cabbage rolls at Thanksgiving, しかし、彼らはおいしい音!

  • kmgm 言う:

    As an American living in Canada, this is the one holiday that really saddens me that I am not able to celebrate in true U.S. スタイル. It truly is my favorite holiday. It has nothing to do with the nearing of Christmas, or Black Friday shopping (which I have never experienced) – it was about the being with my family, 私の友人を参照してください。, playing and watching football, クールなニューイングランドの天気, そしてもちろん食べ物.

    I struggled last Thursday as I watched my husband go off to work and put my children on the bus, 一人で一日を過ごしました. This year is was a little bit harder because, we had parent/teacher conferences that night. No thanksgiving dinner.

    I’m thinking next year, 私は家の子供を維持します.

    • して、Carolyn Bの. ヘラー 言う:

      I feel the same wayThanksgiving is the one holiday that makes me feel homesick for my family and friends in the U.S. Some years we celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving, some years we make a Thanksgiving dinner during the weekend of American Thanksgiving (ただしまれに木曜日に感謝祭, あなたが指摘するように以来、, it’s a school and work day), and some lucky years we celebrate both!

      Perhaps you could start a new Thanksgiving tradition for your family in Canada. Maybe it’s a good time to volunteer in your community? 私たちのポスト http://www.livingabroadincanada.com/2009/11/25/american-thanksgiving-do-you-miss-it/ has links to resources for volunteers across Canada.

      ああ, と幸せな感謝祭!

  • 朱 言う:

    明らかに, I can’t compare but I have the feeling that Thanksgiving is a much bigger deal in the U.S.A. Maybe because it is also a synonym of Black Friday and OMG-Christmas-is-coming?

    • して、Carolyn Bの. ヘラー 言う:

      I’m not sure why Thanksgiving is a much bigger deal in the U.S. カナダより, but I do think it preceded the creation of the “ブラックフライデー” shopping day. American schoolkids spend a lot of time learning about the Pilgrims who first settled the U.S. east coast and the legend of the first Thanksgiving, so the Thanksgiving dinner has a certain mythology surrounding it. It’s a non-religious holiday, so its celebration isn’t limited to particular religious groups, but that’s true in Canada as well.

      If anyone else has any thoughts about the relative importance of Thanksgiving in the U.S. カナダ, チャイムください!