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कनाडा में विदेश में रहना

कनाडा की यात्रा करने के लिए गाइड, स्थानांतरण, जीवन, और संस्कृति

के भाग चांद से श्रृंखला Avalon यात्रा प्रकाशन.

An essential guidebook for would-be and brand new expatriates embarking on a new life in Canada.

— ShelterOffshore.com

Author Carolyn Heller has accomplished what I have heard a growing number of Americans fantasize and talk about over the past decade: वह यू.एस. से चले गए. कनाडा के लिए. In her book “Living Abroad in Canada”published by Avalon Publishing–हेल्लर covers all the essential aspects of moving to and living in Canada. “Living Abroad in Canada” reflects Heller’s own experiences and knowledge of this northern neighbor of the U.S., who according to her, “is familiar yet just a bit different.” It is often easier to describe a country and culture that is vastly different form our own, लेकिन लेखक succeeds in pointing out the subtle differences in culture, worldviews, and daily life that distinguish Canada from the rest of North America….

The book’s material is presented in an easily readable format और covers all the important aspects of daily life in Canada….(सहित) the various visa options for Americans interested in moving to Canada, …आवास, obtaining a social security number और ड्राइवर का लाइसेंस, the national health system and health insurance, शिक्षा, रोजगार, finance and banking, communications, और परिवहन.

The section titled “Prime Living Locations” provides a concise introduction to the culture, infrastructure, जलवायु, आदि. of the most popular destinations for expatriates….

For anyone interested in living in Canada, "कनाडा में विदेशों में रहने वाले एक well-researched and practical companion that provides all the information and resources you need to make a successful move.

विदेश में बदलाव

A must-have book for anyone considering relocating to Canada स्कूल के लिए, काम या सेवानिवृत्ति.


कुछ अमेरिकी. citizens fed up with life in the States have considered moving north to Canada. इस किताब को प्रदान करता है detailed information that explains the differences between the North American neighbors. कैरोलिन हेलर, a U.S. citizen who lives in Vancouver, प्रदान करता है advice on obtaining visas, arranging finances, gaining employment, choosing schools, applying for health care, और how to buy or rent a home. The book also offers maps and overviews of such prime living locations as Vancouver, ब्रिटिश कोलंबिया, टोरंटो, ओंटारियो, क्यूबेक, और अलबर्टा.

The Salt Lake Tribune

इस पुस्तक provides firsthand advice on obtaining visas, arranging finances, gaining employment, choosing schools, and applying for healthcare.

पाथफाइंडर यात्रा पत्रिका

ऐसा लगता है कि काफी कुछ अमेरिकियों के 51 राज्य कनाडा पर विचार. लेखक कैरोलिन बी. हेलर के लिए आराम करने के लिए कि विचार करना. हालांकि संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका और कनाडा में बहुत आम है, हेलर कि बाहर बात करने के लिए जल्दी है Canada has its own distinctive culture with its own customs, languages and idiosyncrasies.

कनाडा की तुलना में थोड़ा अधिक है 33 लाख लोगों को, but nearly three-quarters of them live within 100 यू.एस. के मील. सीमा. She discusses housing considerations, कनाडा के स्वास्थ्य प्रणाली, employment and finance while offering suggestions on prime living locations. She contrasts the American melting pot with the Canadian multiculturalism, जहां विभिन्न जातीय समूहों के एक ज्यादातर multiethnic सद्भाव में कंधे से कंधा मिलाकर जीने.

To cite just one example, Heller profiles an annual dinner and performance event in Vancouverdubbed गुंग Haggis मोटी Choythat celebrates the city’s Chinese and Scottish heritages and where people gather for a Chinese-style banquet to savor such delicacies as haggis won tons. केवल कनाडा में.

— शिकागो ट्रिब्यून

If you’re contemplating a move to another country, you need to consult चंद्रमा पुस्तकें, the prime source for relocating to foreign lands. Avalon Travel has just published three new books in the series: कनाडा में विदेशों में रहने वाले, न्यूजीलैंड में विदेशों में रह रहे हैं और ऑस्ट्रेलिया में विदेशों में रहने वाले. Each volume is packed with essential information ranging from planning a fact-finding trip to history, सरकार, prime living locations, employment opportunities, health resources and a French phrasebook for Canada.
