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आवास, नौकरियां, & पैसा

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घर » आवास, नौकरियां, & पैसा

Tips for job-hunting in a new country

द्वारा प्रस्तुत मार्च पर 24, 2009 – 9:00 परकोई टिप्पणी नहीं

Photo ©Carolyn B. Hellerप्रवासी कैरियर कोच मेगन फिजराल्ड़, जो ब्लॉग CareerByChoiceBlog.com, has written a useful post for anyone who is looking for a job outside of his or her home country.

में “आकांक्षी लुभा: How Does Searching For a Job Abroad Differ from one at Home?she points out how issues like securing proper work documentation, dealing with cultural and languange differences, और building up a network of contacts all can make a job search abroad more challenging than in your home country.

यहां तक ​​कि कनाडा में, where cultural differences are smaller and language issues (at least for those considering a move to provinces other than Quebec) may not present the same challenge for English-speakers as they would in countries such as China or Italy, it’s important to know how to deal with the paperwork और identify the resources available अपनी नौकरी खोज के साथ सहायता के लिए.

फोटो © कैरोलिन बी. हेल्लर

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