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Black Friday ou Nothing Day Comprar?

Submetido por em novembro 27, 2009 – 6:00 emNenhum comentário

bnd_classic_naIf you’re living in Canada, you can avoid today’s shopping craziness, que no U.S. is known asBlack Friday” — the day-after-Thanksgiving, start-of-the-Natal-compras-temporada, Mega-venda dia de compras.

Aqui no Canadá, it’s just a regular work day.

But if you want to take the no-shopping thing one step further, hoje é Compre Nothing Day.

Originally conceived by Vancouver artist and activist Ted Dave (here’s a brief history of Buy Nothing Day) and now promoted by the Vancouver-based Adbusters organization, Buy Nothing Day is an international protest against consumerism.

Como diz Adbusters, “There’s only one way to avoid the collapse of this human experiment of ours on Planet Earth: we have to consume less.”

A partir do Adbusters’ Website:

We’re asking tens of millions of people around the world to bring the capitalist consumption machine to a grinding – if only momentary – halt.

We want you to not only stop buying for 24 horas, mas para desligar suas luzes, televisions and other nonessential appliances. Nós queremos que você estacionar o seu carro, turn off your phones and log off of your computer for the day.

We’re calling for a Ramadan-like fast. From sunrise to sunset we’ll abstain en masse, not only from holiday shopping, but from all the temptations of our five-planet lifestyles.

No Canadá, existem eventos comprar nada de um dia em Guelph (ON) e Montreal, but you don’t need to go to an event to honor the dayyou can just stay home!

Quer saber mais? Ver Adbusters’ Buy Nothing Day Campaign ou verificar o Comprar Facebook evento do Dia Nada.

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