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美国外籍个人资料: 从美国. 加拿大官僚电阻草案

提交 六月 12, 2009 – 8:22 关于没有评论

makelovenotwar1In the 1960s and ’70s, during the Vietnam War, somewhere between 30,000 å’Œ 40,000 美国人来到加拿大逃脱草案and many of them stayed. 该 纽约时报 recently profiled one of these expats.

迈克尔·沃尔夫森抵达加拿大 1968, after his application for conscientious objector status was rejected. 据 时报, 他写信给草案委员会, saying, “The reason I did not comply with your order [to report for military service] is that I did not, on that particular day, feel like it….”

终于, 虽然, Wolfson settled down and grew up. He earned a bachelor of science degree from the 多伦多大学 and went on to receive a Ph.D. in economics from Cambridge University in the U.K. 今天, he has dual U.S.-Canadian citizenship and works as a senior statistician for 加拿大统计局.

你可以 其余读 时报 文章在这里. To learn more about what happened to many of the Vietnam-era draft resisters in Canada, have a look at the book, 北部通道: 美国越南反战者在加拿大, by sociologist 约翰·哈根.

图片由WalkingGeek (Flickr的)
