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提交 六月 17, 2009 – 8:27 关于没有评论

Appartement a LouerIf you’re relocating to Canada and trying to work out your housing budget, you’ll want to know the cost of an average apartment rental.

According to the latest data from the 加拿大抵押和住房公司 (加拿大抵押和住房), 目前 Canada’s most expensive rental market is 温哥华, where an average two-bedroom apartment rents for $1,154 每月.

Other major cities ranking in the top five, pricewise, 是 卡尔加里 ($1,106), 多伦多 ($1,093), 埃德蒙顿 ($1,059), 和 维多利亚 ($1,043).

当然, it’s easy to spend much more than these averages if you’re looking at high-end properties, but you can use these figures as a rough guide.

租金要低得多 渥太华, where you can rent a two-bedroom unit for an average monthly rate of $690. 蒙特利尔 和 魁北克市 are also comparative bargains 在 $656 和 $664 每月, 分别.

你可以 download the complete report, with averages in markets across Canada, from the CMHC.

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