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最佳的居住地: 加拿大的顶级 10 城市 (2012)

提交 七月 23, 2012 – 7:15 下午一个评论

Canada's flag flies over the Peace Tower, Parliament Hill, Ottawa最好的地方在哪里居住在加拿大?

该 MoneySense 2012 最佳的居住地 调查 额定 190 至少加拿大社区 10,000 å±…æ°‘, 比较 22 天气等不同因素, 收入和税金, 就业前景, 获得卫生保健, 家里的负担能力, 犯罪率, 和整体生活方式, including the percentage of people who walk or bike to work.

For the third year in a row, 渥太华 ranked as the best place in Canada to live.

为什么渥太华? MoneySense outlined several factors that put Canada’s capital city on top:

渥太华 cultural offerings 和 family-friendly lifestyle were just some of the factors that helped the city take the No. 1 position

The city’s residents enjoy high household and discretionary incomes, thanks to the large number of well-paying government jobs, which insulate it from some of the vagaries of the economy.

同时, the average home price in Ottawa proper ($335,300) isn’t as high as in Canada’s biggest centres, meaning families can comfortably afford decent homes.

Here’s the complete MoneySense 顶部 10:

  1. 渥太华, 作者:
  2. 伯灵顿, 作者:
  3. 金斯顿, 作者:
  4. 哈利法克斯, 生理盐水
  5. 皇后, SK
  6. 布兰登, MB的
  7. 弗雷德里克顿, 注
  8. 埃德蒙顿, AB公司
  9. 马鹿, AB公司
  10. 温尼伯, MB的

在一般, smaller cities and suburban communities continue to score higher than Canada’s larger cities, 与 卡尔加里 排名 #14, 维多利亚 (公元前) 在 #35, 多伦多 在 #47 å’Œ 蒙特利尔 在 #149. 温哥华, a perennially popular destination for newcomers, 进来了在 #56, but scored dead last in housing affordability.

For more information on the MoneySense 调查, 检查出 最佳的居住地 2012 列表 和 相关文章.

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一个评论 »

  • lora 说::

    Fredericton as nice as it seemsshould not be on any listWe did some research to what would be beneficial to a ‘family’, for housing costs..slightly cheaper, but the city charges as a ‘touristcity pricing range. The school system is terrible, and i quite honestly never met so many ignorant peopledeceiving for sure.