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Quebec buidlings, Old City, Quebec City, Canada

魁北克市沿圣. 劳伦斯河, 关于 250 公里 (155 英里) northeast of Montreal. The city is segmented into six districts, 或 arrondissements.

The central area, 市Limoilou, 不仅是旅游集散中心, it’s also where you’ll find most government buildings.

The heart of La Cité-Limoilou is the walled Old City, 分为上城 (上城), 在山上, 和下城 (下城), 面向河. 外面的墙壁, 到西部, 圣. Jean-Baptiste neighborhood is an established urban community, 和东部, within walking distance of the Lower Town, is the newly gentrified 圣. 罗奇附近.

The remaining city districts, 包括 圣瓦福 - 西勒里第胭脂, 河流, 洛杉矶高级圣查尔斯, 查尔斯堡, 和 博波尔, cluster around La Cité-Limoilou like a horseshoe.

Across the river but connected to Quebec City by 渡船 is the separate municipality of 莱维斯.

To the northeast of the city is 法兰西岛奥尔良, a bucolic island that is not only a popular weekend getaway but a residential alternative for those seeking a more rural life.

- 摘自 (部分) 从书, 留学加拿大生活. 要阅读更多, 购买图书.

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