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Vancouver’s Canada Line to open ahead of schedule

提交 三月 31, 2009 – 1:31 下午没有评论

Photo courtesy of CanadaLine.comThe long-awaited 加拿大线, a rapid transit link between downtown Vancouver, çš„ Vancouver airport, and the suburban community of 里士满, will open Labour Day weekend, three months ahead of schedule, 按 an announcement from Premier Gordon Campbell’s office.

Once the line is up and running, a trip between the airport and downtown should take 25 分钟 or less.

The new Canada Line is a key component of Vancouver’s transportation plan for the 2010 冬季奥运会, 这将在该地区在2月举行 2010.

Vancouverites have been living with snarled traffic along the Cambie Street corridor 和沿 Richmond’s No. 3 Road, 新的列车运行, and many businesses along the route were forced to close. 不过, the city has extensive plans for restoring the neighborhoods that were adversely affected by the Canada Line construction.

