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Getting acquainted with Toronto’s neighborhoods

提交 五月 15, 2009 – 9:19 关于没有评论

Photo ©Carolyn B. Heller该市 多伦多 大约有 140 unique neighborhoods. If you’re considering relocating to Toronto, how do you find the neighborhood that’s right for you?

If you’re just visiting, start with Tourism Toronto’s map of popular tourist neighborhoods. It’s interactive, so you can click on the map and get a short description of particular communities.

If you’re house-hunting in earnest, 虽然, you’ll want more detail. That’s when the city’s map-based neighborhood index becomes a useful resource. 你可以得到 demographic profiles, including stats on income, ethnicity, 年龄, and types of housing, 对于每个 140 区.

Another good source of information is the 多伦多房产局. å…¶ neighborhood profiles take a more historical perspective, and the quaint line drawings of each area’s predominant housing type give you a feel for the community in a way that 谷歌地图 can’t.

图片©卡罗琳乙. 海勒
