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多伦多外籍美国聚会: 周日橄榄球

提交 九月 11, 2009 – 7:45 关于没有评论

meetup_logo_500要满足其他美国人在多伦多? 退房 多伦多的外籍美国的Meetup网站组.

The group’s next get-together 是一 “周日橄榄球meetup this weekend, 星期日, September 13th at 1pm.

Here’s what the group’s organizer has to say about this event:

Football holds such a powerful place in our culture, rightfully or not. Certainly Canada has very little love for our sport (in part because they don’t grasp the concept of the tailgate party.)

….To bring this little part of our society to Canada, what better time than the opening weekend?

Even if you are not a fan, 快来参加吧. 满足其他一些美国人. Talk football or politics, 喝啤酒或冰红茶, swap Canadian or home town stories, whatever fits. Just join us and we will have some laughs….

如需更多信息或报名参加本次活动, 去 Toronto Expat American Meetup website.
