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美国. 比. 加拿大: 年轻人如何区别

提交 于10月 16, 2009 – 7:50 关于没有评论

Ontario students

When looking at the values and lifestyles of North American young adults ages 18-34, there is a clear line of division: the U.S.-Canada border.”

That’s according to A Check-up on the Habits and Values of North America’s Young Adults, a new study by 益普索加拿大.

It foundmarked differences between American and Canadian young adults when it comes to lifestyle decisions and values.”


卫生保健, education and employment matters were rated as the top three issues in both countries.

不过, 有 large discrepancies in the degree of importance placed on other issues.

例如, 73% of Canadians ages 18-34 rated the environment as important compared to 61% 美国人 ages 18-34. 另外, 65% of Americans ages 18-34 rated terrorism as important compared to less than half of Canadians ages 18-34 (44%)….

加拿大人也比美国人更容易 年龄组 to report participating in recycling programs and regularly taking transit where available

The study further reported:

“When we compare the lifestyles of young adults in the United States and Canada, one could describe the Americans as more ‘traditional’ and more ‘domestic’ in their values and focus, 而 Canadians are more of the ‘free-spirit’ type,说:“萨曼莎McAra, Senior Research Manager with Ipsos Reid.

“American young adults are more likely to get married, 拥有自己的家, 并前往离家较近的. The comparable group in Canada, 不过, 是 less likely to be married, more likely to be in a domestic partnership type of relationship, 不太可能拥有自己的家 和 更有可能出国旅游.“

检查 media habits of young people in both countries, the Ipsos study found:

Americans like football, 我的空间, and text messaging. 像曲棍球加拿大人, 注册Facebook!, and playing the lottery. And both just can’t get enough of the Internet….

On a daily average, Americans in the age group watch about an hour more television per day than Canadians….

A marked cultural difference is noted in text messaging. Americans really like text messaging, sending and receiving an average of 129.6 text messages per week. That is nearly double the Canadian average of 78.7 messages per week….

You can read more about the findings 这里 和 这里.

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