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提交 于10月 19, 2009 – 7:20 关于没有评论

Kits Beach img_4055Canada ranks fourth in overall quality of life 其中 182 of the world’s countries, 根据 United Nations Development Programme’s 2009 “人类发展报告” (HDR).

只有挪威, 澳大利亚, and Iceland ranked higher on the quality of life index.

The UN report considered life expectancy, school enrollment and literacy, and each country’s gross domestic product.

在加拿大出生的婴儿预期寿命 现在冠 80 å¹´. (估计自己的寿命使用 加拿大商业 magazine’s When will I die?” life expectancy calculator.)

顶端 10 countries are:

  1. 挪威
  2. 澳大利亚
  3. 冰岛
  4. 加拿大
  5. 爱尔兰
  6. 荷兰
  7. ç‘žå…¸
  8. 法国
  9. 瑞士
  10. 日本

该 美国. 排名 #13.

该研究还发现,, although the number of immigrants living in Canada pales in contrast to the number of immigrants in the U.S. — over 6 million immigrants in Canada compared to nearly 40 million in the U.S. — Canada’s population actually has a higher percentage of immigrants. 大致 20 percent of Canadians were born outside the country, while immigrants make up approximately 13 percent of the U.S. 人口.

And the worst-ranking countries? 马里, 中非共和国, 塞拉利昂, 阿富汗, and Niger.

