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在 2010 奥运, 了解加拿大的生活

提交 二月 12, 2010 – 6:30 关于没有评论

vancouver2010-downtown-infoIf you’ll be visiting Vancouver during the 2010 冬季奥运会, 你可以利用这个机会 了解更多关于生活在许多不同的地方工作的加拿大.


访问 “housesthat many Canadian regions have set up to showcase their communities. All are offering a variety of special events during the Winter Olympics, from February 12-28.

安大略屋, 在 50 太平洋大道, will draw potential residents, 投资者, and visitors with several high-tech attractions, including a 4-D virtual tour of the province; appearances by 安大略省名厨 杰米·肯尼迪 和 安娜·奥尔森, as well cooking demos by chefs from the 蓝带渥太华分会; and musical performances by Ontario artists. 得到 calendar of Ontario house events here 或 follow Tourism Ontario on twitter.

此外,在 50 太平洋大道是 魁北克楼, which will showcase Québécois culture, 食品和饮料, and tourism opportunities, including nightly performances by Montreal-based circus troupe Les 7 Doigts de la Main. French-speakers can get more information and a schedule here.

在 corner of Robson and Beatty Streets, 阿尔伯塔楼 is hosting business-to-business events about the province’s economic and tourism opportunities. Every morning from 10-11am, 阿尔伯塔广场 (在艾伯塔省门前) will feature information about living, 工作, visiting, and investing in Alberta, 而在晚上, Alberta performers take to the stage. Follow Alberta House on twitter 详情.

Other provincialhouses” 包括:

CentrePlace曼尼托巴, 在 LiveCity市中心网站

萨斯喀彻温省馆, 关于 north shore of False Creek

大西洋加拿大之家, 位于 格兰维尔岛, featuring Nova Scotia, 新不伦瑞克省, 爱德华王子岛, 和纽芬兰 & 拉布拉多

加拿大的北楼, 在 602 在. 黑斯廷斯街., promoting the Yukon, 西北地区, 和努纳武特地区. 看看他们 news on twitter, 太.

当然, there’s also çš„ 不列颠哥伦比亚馆, å’Œ 2010 公元前. 商务人士访问计划, è¿™ 我们的博客上讲述这里. Follow “公元前 — You Gotta Be Hereon twitter.


摄影: 罗兰 (Flickr的)
