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希望生活在蒙特利尔? Here’s help for new home buyers

提交 四月 2, 2010 – 7:00 关于没有评论

Montreal triplex img_1052该市 蒙特利尔 推出了新的 拥有住房计划, designed to help home buyersparticularly families with children.

Families with at least one child who purchase a newly-built homea three-bedroom property under $295,000 within the city of Montrealreceive $12,500 补贴 和 一退还 100 在百分之 房地产转让助教x. 家庭购买一个小型家庭, 在 $265,000, 收到 $10,000 补贴以及 100 百分之转让税退款.

Families who buy an existing homea duplex up to $360,000 或到三重 $400,000 — don’t get a subsidy, but they’re still eligible for the 100 百分之房地产转让税退款.

If you don’t have children, 你仍然可以受益.

一个单身人士购买新房达 $200,000, 或一两个人共同购买新房最多 $235,000, 将收到一份 $4,500 补贴和 40 百分之房地产转让税退款.

一个没有孩子的家庭购买现有双工 (到 $360,000) 或三缸 (到 $400,000) 会得到 40 百分之房地产转让税退款.

为符合资格, applicants must prove that they have not owned a residential property in Quebec over the past five years.

据CBCæ–°é—», 蒙特利尔 杰拉尔德特朗布莱 应该说,补贴帮助家庭留在蒙特利尔市, 而不是decamping到郊区. Read more about the city’s take on 生活在蒙特利尔的好处.

而对于更多有关资助计划或在蒙特利尔关于置业, 访问 蒙特利尔生活.

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