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企业在温哥华: 城能够吸引顶尖人才?

提交 五月 3, 2010 – 7:05 关于没有评论

Photo ©Carolyn B. Heller温哥华为基础的社会媒体EXEC 罗谢尔格雷森an expat who’s lived in Germany and the U.S. as well as in Canadarecently blogged about what she called温哥华的挑战的商业环境.”

She argues that温哥华缺乏高级管理人才和融资/投资生态系统,以达到充分发挥其潜力as a truly global city. 部分问题, 她写道:, 工资和补偿方案.

Despite Vancouver’s increasing cost of living — 尤其 住房成本Grayson says that 雄心勃勃的业务人员的工资都没有跟上步伐.

描述她的个人求职经验, 她写道:, “I do understand that 温哥华是不是纽约, 旧金山或多伦多, 但为什么我始终提出的赔偿方案,等于我赚 10 年前?! …同时, 我大量拉拢 公司在其他城市 是 offering packages that are 2-3 times higher.

也许 温哥华是一个理想的居住的地方 (在 2010, 温哥华再次突破 The Economist’s list of the world’s most liveable cities) that companies feel that they don’t have to pay high salaries to attract people to or keep them in the area.

And as some people who commented on Grayson’s post wrote, maybe being able to knock off work early to go sailing or skiing or golfing is its own reward.

你怎么看? Did you take a salary cut to live and work in Vancouver? Do you think salaries in Vancouver are competitive with those in other Canadian cities? Is living in Vancouver a lifestyle choice that’s worth more than money?


Vancouver’s English Bay Photo ©Carolyn B. æµ·å‹’
