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500,000 新居民来到加拿大 2009

提交 五月 17, 2010 – 10:48 下午一个评论

canada-border2If you’re new to Canada or if you’re thinking of settling here, you’re not alone.

More than half a million newcomers permanent residents, temporary workers, and foreign students 来住在加拿大 2009.

That’s according to recently-released statistics 从 加拿大公民身份和移民.

These newcomers included 252,124 permanent residents — 关于 30,000 more permanent residents than the government typically admitted annually in the 1990s — 以及 178,640 临时外国工人 å’Œ 85,131 foreign students, the largest number of foreign students ever admitted to Canada in a single year.

据 加拿大公民和移民新闻发布, the government expects that many foreign students and temporary workers (admitted to the country on a 工作许可证) will eventually settle permanently in Canada, applying for permanent resident status either under the 加拿大经验类 或作为 熟练技工或专业.

加拿大经验类 (中电联) is designed to streamline the immigration process for people who are already working in Canada. 在一般, you can apply under the CEC provisions 如果你是:

  • a temporary foreign worker with at least two years of full-time (or equivalent) skilled work experience in Canada, 或
  • a foreign graduate from a Canadian post-secondary institution with at least one year of full-time (or equivalent) skilled work experience in Canada

要 learn more about relocating to Canada, 看到我们的 入门 指导, 或得到更多的细节 加拿大公民身份和移民.

图片由truekkris (Flickr的)

一个评论 »

  • 谢尔盖·Tichka 说::


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