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想住在温哥华? Here’s how

提交 于12月 8, 2010 – 8:55 下午2 评论

我们最近发布的关于 Vancouver’s escalating housing prices and the number of people moving to 温哥华 for thelifestylerather than for work.

But if it’s a jobrather than a search for investment propertythat’s bringing you to Vancouver, how are you going to find a reasonably-priced place to live?


Anyone relocating to a new cityor countrywould do well to 租用之前,你买. That’s good advice for newcomers to Vancouver, 太.

If you’re looking for a short-term rental, particularly a furnished home, 尝试 University of British Columbia Faculty Association’s housing classifieds. While many of the properties would be suitable for visiting faculty or other professionals, you don’t have to be affiliated with the university to access the listings.

列出温哥华短期租金的其他网站, 由天, 周, 或月, 是 发现生活怎样运作 和 在自己家.

否则, 温哥华Craigslist的 is the king of local rental listings, 和其他资源包括租金 客齐集 和 温哥华公寓指南.

Don’t forget good old-fashioned shoe leatherwalking around the neighborhoods where you want to live. Look forFor rentsigns, 或 check the bulletin boards of the local coffee shops, laundromats, 和大学.

另外一个尖端租房: 在卑诗省, the security (damage) deposit cannot be more than half a month’s rent.


When you’re ready to buy a home in the Vancouver area, start by researching neighborhoods around town.

一个好地方,开始是 City of Vancouver’s Community Profiles 页面, which has links to profiles of 23 different neighborhoods. Home prices on the East Side of Vancouver are significantly cheaper than those on the West Side.

据 大温哥华房地产管理局, 截至7月 2013, a detached house on Vancouver’s East Side was averaging $844,600, while a detached house on the West Side averaged just over $2 万. 同样, East Side apartments and condos were selling for an average price of $306,500, 而在西城, the average was $476,000.

但是你可能要 consider the suburbs if you’re looking for a less expensive home. 正如你可能想到的, prices tend to drop the further you go from downtown.

Some of the suburban communities with the lowest average home prices include 枫树岭 ($460,600), 皮特梅多斯 ($505,600), 和 高贵林港 ($550,400). Just be prepared for a long commute if you work in downtown Vancouver.

Most Vancouver-area homes for sale are listed on Realtylink.org. Realtylink also has a寻找房地产经纪人” 部分, but the best way to find a real estate agent is to ask friends or colleagues for recommendations.

More information

For more resources for relocating to Vancouver, 看看我们的 顶部 10 居住的地方: 温哥华 页面. 和 这里我们所有的温哥华职位搜索.

For general information about renting or buying a home in Canada, 见 Newcomer’s Guide to Canadian Housing 从 加拿大抵押和住房公司. 也看看 British Columbia NewcomersGuide to Resources and Services.

该 租客生存指南, created by BC’s Tenant Resource & 咨询中心, is a valuable source of information about legal issues around renting an apartment or home in British Columbia.

和 if you have other tips for Vancouver newcomers, 请发表评论 并让我们知道.

8月更新 2013

温哥华西区照片 stewart (Flickr的)

2 评论 »

  • 卡罗琳·阿里 说::

    Good old-fashioned shoe leatheris great advice for finding a place to rent. Where I live in Kitsilano, a hip Vancouver neighbourhood, landlords don’t need to advertise in print or online. So many people want to live here that word of mouth and lawn signs do the trick.

    最好的建议是走 (或驱动器) 你想租在开始的一个月前引擎盖, or a week or two before the previous month’s end, 并寻找出租标志. They don’t stay up for long.