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加拿大讲什么语言? 新的人口普查报告

提交 十一月 15, 2012 – 7:27 关于没有评论

Snow Route/Route de Neige加拿大人口的百分之二十, 或近 6,630,000 人, 在家说英语或法语以外的语言, 按 a recent report from Statistics Canada.

The most widely spoken languages include Mandarin, 广东话, 和其他中国方言, 以及旁遮普语, 西班牙的, 他加禄语, 阿拉伯语, 意大利的, 乌尔都语, 和德国.

58% of the population (19,225,000 人) 在家里只说英语, 而 18.2%, 或 6,043,000, 只说法国.

The vast majority — 9 out of 10 加拿大人 — who speak a language other than English live in one of the country’s major cities, with most concentrated in the largest metropolitan areas: 多伦多, 蒙特利尔, 温哥华, 卡尔加里, 埃德蒙顿, and Ottawa–Gatineau.

在多伦多和温哥华, Chinese and Indian languages predominate, while Montreal and Ottawa have large concentrations of Arabic and Spanish speakers. 旁遮普语, 他加禄语, and Chinese are widely spoken in Calgary and Edmonton.

在美国, 大致 20 percent of the population also speaks a language other than English at home. 不过, that language is most likely to be Spanish. 在美国, 35 million people speak Spanish as their home languagemore than the entire population of Canada!

你可以 在这里阅读完整的加拿大统计局报告.

路牌照片卡罗琳乙. 海勒
