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文章标记: 渥太华

二月 19, 2009 – 10:17 关于 | 评论关闭 上 奥巴马在加拿大日

You’d think it was a new national holiday 今天在加拿大.

但没有, the occasion is simply 美国. President Obama’s first international visit to Canada’s capital, 渥太华.

There’s plenty of hoopla in the

只有在加拿大: It’s all about scoring
二月 10, 2009 – 8:43 关于 | 评论关闭 上 只有在加拿大: It’s all about scoring
只有在加拿大: It’s all about scoring

If you’re in Calgary this week, 这个节目, presented by 黄兔性能剧院, 可以提供一个, 在, unique look at Canada’s national pastime.

It’s called 五孔: 传说曲棍球春宫

It’s winter festival time!
二月 6, 2009 – 9:49 关于 | 评论关闭 上 It’s winter festival time!
It’s winter festival time!

Even in Canada’s colder climes, February is festival time! What better way to get through a long snowy winter than with all sorts of festive, 是的, outdoor, 活动?

Two of the biggest winter