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提交 六月 19, 2009 – 8:01 关于没有评论

Perry MasonThose of you who are old enough to remember the 佩里梅森展 may know it as an iconic American detective program. 这种长期运行的电视连续剧, starring 雷蒙德伯尔 as the eponymous Los Angeles lawyer, 从播出 1957 到 1966.

But you may be surprised to learn that Burr, who’s widely known as an 美国人 演员, was actually a Canadian. 。出生雷蒙德伯尔。 1917 在 新西敏, 不列颠哥伦比亚省, outside of Vancouver.

只是命名雷蒙德伯尔之一。 2009 应征者 Canada’s Walk of Fame, the Toronto version of the stars-on-the-sidewalk 好莱坞星光大道.

This year’s other Canadian honorees include Toronto-born comedian 豪伊·曼德尔, singer-songwriter 汤姆·科克伦 (出生在林恩湖, 马尼托巴), and children’s book author Robert MUNSCHçš„. Writer of such contemporary kidsclassics as 纸袋公主 å’Œ 永远爱你, Munsch is actually an American expat; 他出生在匹兹堡,但一直住在安大略省的大多数他的成人生活.

你可以得到 a list of Canada’s other Walk of Fame inductees here.
