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提交 七月 20, 2012 – 8:54 关于没有评论

US-Canada border

“在中美的经济困境. 驱使美国人以接近创纪录的人数穿越北部边境 加拿大更好的工作机会和更便宜的教育.”

That’s according to a recent 中视新闻报道, 说,加拿大发行 35,060 以中美签证. residents in 2010 and an additional 34,185 visas to Americans in 2011.

As the unemployment rate in the United States remains high, “it’s natural you’re going to see moreyoung Americans pursuing economic opportunity here,” said Canada’s Minister of Citizenship, 入境事务处, 多元肯尼.

同样, more American students are applying to Canadian universities 避免学费南边境的成本较高,.

阅读完整的报告 CTVNews.ca.

Are you an American moving, or thinking about moving, 加拿大? Leave a comment and share your story.

U.S.-Canada border photo by HeyRocker (Flickrçš„)
