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提交 六月 29, 2009 – 8:45 关于没有评论

montreal-jazz-festivalFollowing up on our recent post about a 在魁北克城免费太阳马戏团表演, here’s the latest on 在蒙特利尔免费活动:

灵魂流行图标 史提夫汪达 will perform a free concert in Montreal tomorrowon Tuesday, 六月 30 — to open the city’s annual 国际爵士音乐节. 免费的音乐开始于 9:30下午在现场通用汽车 (Rue Ste-Catherine Ouest at Rue Jeanne-Mance).

Celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, 的 2009 节国际爵士音乐蒙特利尔 将于六月运行 30 七月 12.

There are other free concerts every day of the festival. 你可以 搜索从自由活动 festival’s home page.

While performances by the most notable artists aren’t free — 你可以 buy tickets heremany of the big names in jazz will be here. 除了, Montrealers know how to throw a great party!

And if you’re looking for even more free stuff to do in Montreal, 看看这些 免费蒙特利尔! 从技巧 国家地理旅行者 å’Œ Ten Free Things to Do in Montrealfrom About.com.
