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提交 八月 12, 2009 – 8:45 关于没有评论

Northern Lights该 Government of Canada recently announced a new program 到 encourage immigrantsparticularly entrepreneursto settle in the Northwest Territories.


在新的 西北地区省提名计划, immigrants who plan to live and work in the 西北地区 可以申请 permanent resident status in Canada.

由于与 省提名计划 在其他省份, 这些 applications will befast-tracked compared to the general applicant pool for permanent residence.

Northwest Territories provincial nominee applicants can apply for permanent residency in one of the following four categories:

  • 技术工人
  • 关键影响工人 (服务及酒店业职业)
  • 企业家商务
  • Self-Employed Business

For details about these immigration categories, 在 文书工作 101 节本网站 或 加拿大公民身份和移民.


西北地区绵延超过 1.17 million square kilometers (大致 450,000 平方英哩) across Canada’s far north. 这个庞大的区域是只 42,840 人, 其中约半数是原住民. è¿‘ 50 percent of the population — 关于 20,000 人 — live in the capital city of 耶洛奈夫.

该 diamond industry, including mining, cutting, and polishing, is a major employer, 因为是 oil and gas production. The region also has a growing tourism industry.

JobsNorth.ca is a useful resource if you’re looking for work in the Northwest Territories. Another helpful website is the territorial government’s 人力资源处, which provides a list of current government job openings. Health care workers are in particular demand.

当然, Yellowknife residents have to contend with harsh weather conditions, with temperatures dipping to a January average of -26°C (-15°F), and seemingly endless winter days where the sun never rises. But in summer, 奖励是近 24 hours of daylight.

Plan a Trip, Check it Out

Consider planning a trip to the Northwest Territories if the idea of settling there seems appealing. The province’s tourism association, 西北地区旅游, 可以帮助.

