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الإسكان, وظائف, & المال

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How Vancouver’s new Canada Line might affect where you live

مقدم من أغسطس 19, 2009 – 8:30 علىلا تعليق

Photo courtesy of CanadaLine.comIf you’re looking for a place to live in Vancouver, هوب على جديد كندا الخط.

This long-awaited rapid transit service that opened for business هذا الاسبوع, linking downtown with the airport and the suburb of Richmond, may open up some new housing options.

مع stations في الواجهة البحرية في وYaletown, كل من Gastown و Yaletown neighborhoods now have much easier access to transit services.

كما خط يذهب جنوبا على طول شارع Cambie, مع توقف في الجديدة القرية الاولمبية, برودواي, الملك إدوارد, Oakridge, كلية Langara, ومحرك البحرية, these neighborhoods, أيضا, now have a speedier transit alternative to the No 15 حافلة. وبينما مدينة فانكوفر is still formulating its long-term development plan for the Cambie corridor, lots of residential development already underway في هذه المجالات, particularly at the Olympic Village, برودواي, وOakridge, means more choices of places to live.

في ريتشموند, أكثر residential construction around the new Canada Line stations في الأشغال. وفقا ل recent article in the ريتشموند استعراض:

As soon as engineers marked locations for the (station’s) concrete pillars, high-rises began to sprout up in Richmond’s City Centre.

By mid-2005, when work on the line was just beginning, 35 high-rise towers were already on the books for downtown Richmond. That number continued to swell….

The Canada Lineprompted city planners to revamp the area plan for City Centre. هذا predicts the area’s population to triple في الحجم, من 41,000 residents today to 120,000 over the next century. ومعظم ذلك النمو في العقود القليلة القادمة.

So if you’re looking for a place to live in Vancouver, هوب على الخط كندا. But what the Canada Line corridor looks like today may be very different in the years to come.

مصدر الصورة CanadaLine.com

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