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加拿大房地产: The cost of buying a home now

提交 十一月 5, 2010 – 7:04 关于4 评论


It depends on where you want to live.

该 加拿大抵押和住房公司 (加拿大抵押和住房) regularly publishes statistics about real estate prices in major Canadian metropolitan areas.

Their most recent reportfor the third quarter of 2010 — included average MLS (多重上市服务) 出售房屋的价格 2009 and forecast prices through the end of 2010.

在此CMHC报告, 温哥华 ranked as the nation’s most expensive housing market.

在温哥华购买居住地 2009 会成本 nearly double the cost of a home in 渥太华 and almost three times as much as housing in 魁北克市 或在温尼伯.

维多利亚 (公元前) was the second most expensive city to buy real estate. 价格在 多伦多 而在 基洛纳 (in British Columbia’s Okanagan region) were roughly comparable, 只是略高于价格在 卡尔加里.

The cheapest cities? 圣约翰 (新不伦瑞克省), 温莎 (安大略), and Trois-Rivières (魁北克).

Here’s a summary of the city-by-city results for 20 大都市区:


大都会区 2009 2010 (forecast)
温哥华, 公元前 $592,441 $655,000
维多利亚, 公元前 $476,137 $510,000
基洛纳, 公元前 $400,450 $420,000
多伦多, 作者: $396,154 $427,000
卡尔加里, AB公司 $385,882 $403,000
埃德蒙顿, AB公司 $320,378 $333,000
渥太华, 作者: $304,801 $326,500
汉密尔顿, 作者: $290,946 $312,000
萨斯卡通, SK $278,895 $285,000
蒙特利尔, 质量控制 $274,842 $292,700
基奇纳, 作者: $269,552 $287,000
哈利法克斯, 生理盐水 $237,214 $250,000
圣. John’s, NL $218,862 $245,000
伦敦, 作者: $214,510 $225,000
魁北克市, 质量控制 $212,198 $232,000
温尼伯, MB的 $207,342 $225,000
夏洛特敦, PEI $177,237 $178,000
圣约翰, 注 $171,027 $174,500
温莎, 作者: $153,691 $157,000
三河, 质量控制 $142,048 $148,500

欲了解更多详情,, or for information about the housing marketing in other Canadian cities, 见 加拿大按揭及房屋公司. 其 房屋市场信息页 are especially useful for comparing costs in various cities.

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