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Watching your food budget? Don’t move to the Yukon

Передано февраля 9, 2009 – 10:37 яНет Комментарий

Photo by Richard Martin (flickr)Is food more expensive in Canada than in the U.S.?

The answer isit depends.

As in the U.S., there are significant variations in food costs in different regions across the country.

На самом деле, the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation‘s annual Report on Canadians’ Health found that there arestartling discrepancies between the cost and accessibility of basic healthy food within provinces and across the country.

The report concluded that, “Depending on where you live, some Canadians are often paying more than double to almost six times the price for the same basic healthy food. ….Например, a package of whole-wheat pasta that cost $2.00 in Barrie, Есть, было $7.90 in Regina, SK and $11.37 in Dawson, Yukon.

Торонто, Монреаль, Эдмонтон, and other larger cities fared better in this survey than many of the country’s more remote areas.

You can get the details about costs in different regions from the foundation’s 2009 Report on Canadians’ Здоровье.

Photo by Richard Martin (Flickr)

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