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Переходы за рубежом отзыва проживающих за рубежом в Канаде

Передано августа 28, 2009 – 7:30 яНет Комментарий

transitions_abroad_logoTransitions Abroad magazine has reviewed my book, Проживающих за рубежом в Канаде!

And they recommend it:

For anyone interested in living in Canada, "Проживающих за рубежом в Канаде"Является a well-researched and practical companion that provides all the information and resources you need to make a successful move.

Here’s a longer excerpt from the review:

Автор Carolyn Heller has accomplished what I have heard a growing number of Americans fantasize and talk about over the past decade: она переехала из U.S. в Канаду. In her book “Living Abroad in Canada”published by Avalon ИздательствоHeller covers all the essential aspects of moving to and living in Canada.

“Living Abroad in Canada” reflects Heller’s own experiences and knowledge of this northern neighbor of the U.S., who according to her, "Является familiar yet just a bit different.” It is often easier to describe a country and culture that is vastly different form our own, but the author succeeds in pointing out the subtle differences in culture, worldviews, and daily life that distinguish Canada from the rest of North America.

Она describes in detail the differences in government and political systems, налоговые и трудовое законодательство, health insurance coverage, and educational systems. She also talks about the unique make-up of Canada’s multi-cultural society, which in addition to French-speaking Québec and the Native American “First Nations,” includes large immigrant communities from India, Китай, и другие страны.

To dispel any misinformation about Canadian immigration Закон сразу же, Heller points out in the book’s introduction that Americans can stay in Canada as a visitor for up to six months, but that they still need a work or residency permit to legally reside in Canada.

Вы можете прочитать полный обзор, by TransitionsAbroad.com Living Abroad contributing editor Фолькер Poelzl, здесь.

Transitions Abroad is a great source of information for people considering a move abroad. If you’re Canada-bound, check out their extensive links to Canadian expat resources and websites.

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