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Еще финансовые специалисты переезжают в Торонто

Передано Каждый канадец знает 21, 2009 – 7:33 яОдин комментарий

TD Canada TrustThe financial industry’s strength is attracting worldwide talent to Bay Streetand giving a big boost to the high-end real estate market.

That’s according to a recent Глобус & Почта статья, “Banking on TO,” which reported that Canada’s comparatively strong financial services industry is drawing “…many bankers and investment professionalsfrom some of the world’s most prominent financial capitals.

In particular, the article points out that:

While banks in the United States and Great Britain have diminished or even disappeared in some cases, Canada’s more staid big six chartered banks have remained steadfast in comparison.

TheseBig 6banks include Банк Монреаля, Банк Новой Шотландии, Канадский Imperial Bank Торгово, Национальный Банк Канады, Королевский банк Канады, и TD Canada Trust.

The article further notes thatthe influx has spurred a resurgence in Toronto’s real estate market – from mid-priced houses up to the highest echelons.

Read the complete article here.

Фото © Carolyn B. Хеллер

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