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Топ 3 things to know about Canadian health care

Передано февраля 5, 2010 – 7:20 яОдин комментарий

hospital emergency

A major benefit of living in Canada is access to the country’s generally well-regarded health care system.

Yet one of the challenges for newcomers relocating to Canada is finding your way through the health care bureaucracy.

Чтобы вы начали, here’s our guide to the top three things you need to know about the Canadian health care system:

1. Что universal health care значит в Канаде?

Canada’s universal health care system provides health insurance for все Canadian citizens and permanent residents, regardless of whether you’re working or whether you can afford to pay.

В большинстве случаев, you will also receive health coverage if you’re living in Canada with a work or study permit.

2. Что такое канадский Medicare?

Medicare is Canada’s national health insurance system.

В отличие U.S. system of the same name, Canadian Medicare is a publicly funded program that provides health insurance for все Канадцы.

One of the most important things that a newcomer to Canada needs to do is arrange for Medicare coverage.

If you’re coming to Canada with a job, your employer will normally arrange for your health coverage, and your health care premiums will be deducted from your salary. If you’re self-employed or not yet working, you need to apply and pay for your health insurance through your provincial health agency.

Однако, во многих провинциях, newcomers must wait up to three months before their health coverage becomes effective. It’s important that you confirm whether your existing health insurance will cover you and your family in Canada.

3. How do I apply for health insurance in Canada?

Канада национальный health system is actually made up of 13 related health care programs – one in each province and territory.

Итак, когда вы переехать в Канаду, Вы должны apply for health coverageand understand the health care optionsin the province where you’ll be living.

Чтобы узнать, как применять, check the website for the health insurance programs in your province or territory:

Want to learn more?

Связаться Министерство здравоохранения Канады.

Muchmor Журнал has also posted a useful overview of the Canadian health care system: The beginnersguide to health care in Canada.

Фото © Carolyn B. Хеллер

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