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The Canada-US Frito-Lay chips bag saga

Передано на ноябрь 21, 2010 – 10:01 я2 Comments

Are Canadians more concerned about the environment than their neighbors south of the border?

Here’s the story:

Закуска гигант Frito-Lay introduced a new compostable chip bag в Канаде и U.S. made from plant-based materials that decompose quickly.

The problem? Мешки действительно шумные.

So according to this Vancouver Sun статья, “Чипсы сумки слишком шумные для патенте США, but a hit in Canada,” the company received so many complaints from American customers that они перестали использовать новые мешки в США.

В Канаде, хотя, Frito-Lay is promoting the bagseco-friendliness, and apparently their strategy is working.

“Just put them in a bowl,” suggests Bonnie Bowers Wilson of Campbellford, Есть. in a recent Toronto Star статья:

“I live in a noisy household. I have the television on, a noisy Jack Russell and three cats. I don’t understand the concern about the noise.”

Она думает, Canadians are more willing to make changes for the environment than Americans.

The company has even created a YouTube video for the Canadian market, as well as a Канадский страница Facebook, touting the bagsenvironmental goodness.

In my experience, Canadians do pride themselves on their environmental awareness, и many Canadian cities are frequently lauded for their green policies (см “Where is the world’s top eco-city?“).

Что о вас? Do you think the compostable chips bags are too noisy? Or is it worth it for the environment? Leave a comment and let us know.

And a note to our readers from the U.K.: we’re talking about чипыa.k.a. чипсыnot the fried potatoes you eat with fish!

ВС фишки фото на cogdogblog (Flickr)