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Articles by Carolyn Heller

Почему кетчуп вкус отличается в Канаде?
Май 13, 2009 – 9:03 я | Комментарии отключены на Почему кетчуп вкус отличается в Канаде?
Почему кетчуп вкус отличается в Канаде?

На прошлой неделе, we reported on the Great Canadian Heinz Ketchup Cake, a PR creation dreamed up in honor of Heinz Canada’s 100th birthday.

But the important ketchup question for many Americans who relocate to Canada

Менее Путешествовал Канада
Май 11, 2009 – 8:14 я | Комментарии отключены на Менее Путешествовал Канада
Менее Путешествовал Канада

Many people who relocate to Canada end up in one of the cities, with Toronto, Ванкувер, Монреаль, and Calgary drawing the largest number of expats.

Но whether you’re looking for a place to settle, или

Visit Toronto’s museums for free
Май 8, 2009 – 8:44 я | Комментарии отключены на Visit Toronto’s museums for free
Visit Toronto’s museums for free

If you’re new to Toronto (or even if you’ve lived there for a while), here’s a reason to get yourself a library card right away.

The Sun Life Financial музей и искусства Pass (MAP) enables

The Canadian donut diet?
Май 6, 2009 – 8:00 я | Комментарии отключены на The Canadian donut diet?
The Canadian donut diet?

Is the typical American dietheavy in fat, сахар, and saltthe same on the Canadian side of the border?

According to a new book by Dr. Дэвид. Кесслер, former Commissioner of

A Canadian perspective on legal same-sex marriage
Май 4, 2009 – 8:34 я | Комментарии отключены на A Canadian perspective on legal same-sex marriage
A Canadian perspective on legal same-sex marriage

Over at the Confabulous blog, writer Sabine Hikel offers up an interesting perspective on living in a country where same-sex marriage is legal.

Same-sex marriage has been legal across Canada since 2005, and Hikel