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在加拿大购物, 为什么美国的外籍人士或错过目标

提交 一月 24, 2011 – 10:34 关于4 评论

Target Logo你有没有听到欢呼声? 这是美国的外籍人士在加拿大社会的问候 有消息称美国. 零售商的目标是进入加拿大市场.

Target is purchasing most of HBC’s 泽勒斯 链, 并在未来两至三年, they’ll convert 100 到 150 到Target商店泽勒斯网点.

在我移居加拿大, 我从来不认为 Target商店 有任何大问题. 肯定, 他们为家庭基础好价钱, 他们有很多东西比其他折扣零售商的风格, 但我想我把他们视为理所当然.

接着, 当我抵达加拿大, 我突然明白. 我很惊讶于常Vancourites越过边境,在美国购物, a phenomenon that’s repeated in border cities across Canada. Most Canadiansexcept those in fashionable Montreal, perhapswill tell you that there’s simply a better choice of merchandise available in the United States, particularly if you’re looking for well-designed, low- to mid-priced goods 销售目标的那种.

随着 加拿大商业 magazine recently wrote inWhat’s so great about Target?“:


什么目标所提供的加拿大人 that they can’t already scoop up at the local Walmart, 加拿大轮胎, 或Loblaw超市? The answer is found not in the products on the shelves so much as the shopping attitude the Minnesota-based Target Corporation has masterfully manufactured….

在泽勒斯购物是关于必然. Shopping at Target is about taking pride in the simple delights of middle class life.

当然, 外国人知道,我们美国的目标仅仅是一个商店, 一个无处不在的大方块,逐渐采取了我们的购物商店存在. And who knows whether Target’s prices, 不开的商店时,在加拿大, 将具有竞争力,因为它们在美国的?

But I’ll still look forward to the arrival on this side of the border of Target’s cheap-chic underwear, 毛巾, 和其他家庭用品.

在此期间, I’m heading for my local 加元Toonie 大. (为了你的加拿大新移民, çš„ “Loonie-Toonie storeis Canada’s equivalent of the Dollar Store, where most everything costs a dollar or two.)

你怎么样? Do you still cross the border to shop atTar-jay?” Are you looking forward to Target’s opening in Canada? 发表评论,让我们知道.

4 评论 »

  • 索尼娅。 说::

    在多伦多, we usually use the termDollar Store” 或 “Dollarama” – because alot of them are Dollaramas.

    虽然, I have seenLoonie-Toonie”, we just group that one into the termDollar Store”.

  • 罗杰 说::

    I’ve lived in Canada for my entire life and dollar stores are called dollar stores.

    This is the first time that I’m seeing them refered to as anything else.

    • 卡罗琳乙. æµ·å‹’ 说::

      感谢您的评论, 罗杰. 在温哥华, there are lots ofloonie toonie” 商店. 我不知道,如果长期是一个区域性的?

  • 鸣叫中提到在加拿大购物, 为什么美国的外籍人士或目标小姐 | 留学加拿大生活 -- Topsy.com 说::

    […] 这个职位提到的Twitterç”±Carolynä¹™. æµ·å‹’, 卡罗琳乙. æµ·å‹’. 卡罗琳乙. 海勒说:: #加拿大购物, 为什么美国#外国人小姐目标, 从LivingAbroadinCanada.com: http://bit.ly/g4QFE5 […]