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Канада иммиграция сводка новостей

Передано июня 17, 2011 – 1:31 вечераНет Комментарий

Online newsHere’s a roundup of recent news about Канада предоставляет, переезд, and other topics of interest to new Canadians:

Более one-third of affluent Canadians were born outside the country: Ð’ “Bootstrapping the Good Life,” BC Business reports on ways that immigrants have joined the ranks of the wealthy.

Over 50 percent of China’s rich are considering immigration: The Wall Street Journal отчеты что “half of the country’s richest citizens have considered investment immigrationas a way of securing their wealth. И according to the China Daily, most Chinese immigrant investors go to Canada, США, or Australia. Ð’ Канаде, you can apply for permanent resident status as an investor if you have a minimum net worth of CDN $1.6 million and you can make an $800,000 investment in Canada.

Australians continue to flock to Whistler for jobs, говорит “Добро пожаловать в Литл Австралии” Ð’ Sydney Morning Herald, который сообщает, что:

Ð’ последние два года Australians have accounted for a staggering 34 процентов Whistler-Blackcomb’s workforce.

The British are coming to Canada, слишком: “Канада…offers the best quality of life for Britons abroad,” the Телеграф reports in their recent article, “Русские говорят, Канада лучшим местом для жизни.”

For several years in a row, Канада оказались the world’s friendliest country for expats, слишком, according to Forbes.com.

Perhaps one other reason why so many immigrants settle in Canada is that Canadians are among the happiest people in the world: According to a GallupGlobal Well-being Survey,” Canadians are second only to the Danish as the world’s happiest people!

Фото Mike Licht/NotionsCapital.com (Flickr)

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