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Жизнь в Квебеке: Больше ресурсов

Fairmont Chateau Frontenac Hotel, Quebec City, QCAre you thinking about relocating to Quebec City? Have you recently moved there?

Тогда ознакомьтесь с нашими Проживающих за рубежом в Канаде: Квебек страницы.

It includes a long list of ресурсы о рабочих мест, недвижимости, школы, и более в и вокруг Квебеке.

If you’re just beginning to research a move to Quebec City, the Quebec Ministry of Immigration website is an excellent place to start.

While it’s not specifically focused on life in Quebec City, the ministry site does provide guidance about the overall immigration process for the province of Quebec, including paperwork, job hunting, house hunting, and education. И it’s available in English!

Если вы можете прочитать или говорить по-французски, you’ll find it much easier to get detailed information about relocating to Quebec City. Например, the city publishes a guide to its various neighborhoods, but it’s available only in French.

В отличие Монреале, where more than half the population is fully bilingual (speaking both French and English), Quebec City is more heavily francophone. Грубо two-thirds of Quebec City residents speak French only.

К счастью, Quebec’s immigration ministry offers both part-time and intensive full-time French-language courses for new residents. If you meet their requirements, the courses are free.

Have a look at our Проживающих за рубежом в Канаде: Квебек страницы for links to additional resources.

And if you’ve come across other resources that you’ve found helpful for newcomers or prospective newcomers to Quebec City, please leave a comment и дайте нам знать. Благодаря!

Fairmont Le Chateau Frontenac фотография © Carolyn B. Хеллер

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