Articles in Daily Life

Toronto Life magazine has released what they call a “mostly scientific” ranking of the city’s 140 neighborhoods.
Working with researchers from the University of Toronto, they evaluated factors like housing costs, transit access, crime rates, …

British Columbia’s capital city of Victoria used to be dubbed a destination for the “newly wed and nearly dead.” Yes, it was — and still is — popular among both newlyweds and retirees, but with …

Canadian cities took four out of the top five spots among cities in the Americas in the 2012 Mercer Quality of Living survey, an annual assessment that compares the quality of life in 221 urban …

Is it cheaper to live in the U.S. or Canada? And which country offers a better quality of life?
A recent Investopia post, U.S. Or Canada: Which Country Is Best To Call Home?, considered a …

My daughter came back from the dentist the other day and reported that Vancouver does not fluoridate its water system.
Having grown up in the United States, where water fluoridation is quite routine, I …